GE PET Scanner Testing Project

Job Name: GE Test Cells (Waukesha, WI)
Date of Completion: December, 2001
General Contractors/Sub Contractors: PPB Company (Louisville, KY) & Olympic Wall Systems (Brookfield, WI)
Architect: Architection (Louisville, KY)

This job entailed the fabrication of 79 test cells for General Electric to test their new PET/CT Scanners. These cells were designed to protect the GE employees as well as measure radiation output from the scanners.
The materials used on this project included various thicknesses of lead laminated to fire treated plywood and sheet lead in various sizes and thicknesses. Portions of these test cells were pre-fabricated and then connected and constructed at the job site.
To learn more about Radiation Protection Products contact us or request a quote for lead bricks or other lead products for your project today!